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This website is an online offer of the ÖGNI, Austrian Sustainable Building Council, hereinafter referred to as ÖGNI, on the Internet. This website presents the activities of the association, its members and information on architecture, the construction industry, the real estate industry and their development and sustainability in terms of ecological, economic, social and commercial perspectives.

We provide you with comprehensive and detailed information about our association, our areas of activity, our projects and our members. The presentation fully complies with the information obligations pursuant to Section 5 (1) ECG (E-Commerce Act). Should you require further information beyond this, please do not hesitate to contact us.

The contents of the presentation are made available for viewing on the Internet and can also be downloaded and copied for personal (private) use. If you intend to use the contents commercially or in any other way, you undertake to obtain the consent of the ÖGNI:


The texts on the website are the intellectual property of the ÖGNI and are therefore protected by copyright in accordance with Section 2 (3) of the Austrian Copyright Act.

Image material
The image material (photos, graphics …) is the property of the ÖGNI or has been made available to the ÖGNI by the respective owners for this purpose (presentation within the framework of and is protected by copyright in accordance with § 3 (1) and (2) of the Copyright Act.

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You will also find links to other Internet presentations on our site. We accept no responsibility or liability whatsoever for the content presented there and the links to other presentations, as we have no influence whatsoever on the content. If, contrary to expectations, unsuitable content is displayed or links are no longer up-to-date, please inform us immediately.