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Rumbach Center

in Platin

Jahr der Zertifizierung: 2014
Bruttogeschoßfläche: 12.121 m²

Objektbewertung: 80,90%
Ökologische Qualität: 77,90%
Ökonomische Qualität: 87,40%
Soziokulturelle und funktionale Qualität: 77,80%
Technische Qualität: 78,90%
Prozessqualität: 84,90%

Standortbewertung: 77,60%

Über das Projekt

Rumbach Center office building is situated in the heart of Budapest’s historical city, about 200 meters from Deák square, however in a quiet street and well separated from inner city’s commotion. The building, formed by conventional architectural solutions and divided into two wings, offers an excellent solution for those enterprises who have the intention to operate their service in the vicinity of the historical city, yet in a human-sized office building.

Owning to its central location, the common facilities necessary to the business and every-day life can be reached fast and very easily, should they be banks, post office, shops, hotels or restaurants. From the terraces of the upper levels, a great view opens on the hills on the Buda side and on the dome of Szent István basilica on the Pest side.

The building can be easily reached by car, and its self-parking garage offers an ease on the parking troubles of the inner city. Being in the immediate neighborhood of Deák square, there is a wide range of variety for using public transport to reach the building.

As a result of the entire inner refurbishment executed by RE project development Kft., the developer of the building, now an office building with Class A standards welcomes the inquiring clients.